A year ago today, I retired from IBM and I haven't looked back or regretted this decision. I decided to give myself 6 months off before deciding what was next. I busied myself with networking, taking classes, updating my resume and cleaning out closets. Then in January, a good friend asked "What are you doing? I was applying for part-time positions at non-profits but nothing was sticking. My friend suggested that I start my own company so we took a web site development class together. During the sessions we decided to start a company together which would help people like me (Career Transitioners), her son who recently graduated from High School and her eldest son who decided after receiving an associates degree that college wasn't for him.So today, I am a co-founder of Discover Pathwaze and enjoying the start of a business and the creation of a foundation. I haven't lost any sleep about this decision and I'm positive that our business will touch lives of so many people looking to find the careers suited for them.