Mary Kolbenschlag
December 2017

Things to consider before you interview.

Glassdoor just announced the Employees’ Choice list of the 100 best places to work.  Here's the link to the list.,19.htm

This gives great insight into what employees define as a best place to work.  There’s the benefits they provide, the use of your skills and the culture of a company is important to understand.

Here are some things I learned the hard way over my 35+ years working in corporate America of things I should have considered before saying yes:

  1. Do your research before you go to your interview. There’s no reason you can’t spend 15 minutes on-line to find out what information is out there about the company.
  2. Ask simple questions at your interview, like “Where will I sit?” This is one I should have asked at many interviews, even after I didn’t learn my lesson from my first job out of college.  My desk was in a trailer in the Midwest.  It was a special project which was great but this space didn’t have running water and wasn’t ideal during the winter months.
  3. Ask your interviewer about the culture of the company. Every company has a culture — to me it’s the feeling you get when you spend time in a place, about what people say and what they do, and how they and others behave in meetings and with their co-workers.
  4. Don’t hesitate to ask to speak to ‘future’ team members during your interview. If they say no, take this response as a red flag.
  5. Take the on-line reviews you read about a company with a grain of salt. Most people only provide reviews when they are unhappy.
  6. Lastly and I think most importantly, ask yourself if you would feel proud to tell others where you work. If the answer isn’t a resounding yes, think twice about moving forward with an interview or an offer.

Need more ideas for interview questions?  Check out Refinery29’s 9 Best Questions YOU Should Ask In A Job Interview

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